How Does Mediation Work?

Mediation works by allowing you to control the results. The goal is an agreement that you help create. Key to this are the ideas that you come up with. The mediator’s job is to guide everyone through the process leading to a resolution of your dispute.

How We Operate:

The mediator does not take sides, make judgments or tell people what to do.

Therefore, it is important for you to do some homework to prepare for mediation.

What events led to this mediation?

What issues are involved in this dispute?

What do you want to accomplish through this mediation?

What do you want included in an agreement?

You the participant

  • assume control of the conflict

  • take responsibility for identifying issues underlying the dispute

  • suggest options

  • resolve conflicts when possible

  • devise plans of action

Your mediator

  • remains impartial and doesn’t judge participants

  • directs the process

  • asks similar questions of all parties

  • leaves solutions to the participants

  • encourages using additional resources as needed